Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management

Successful FEM report

On January 20, 2021, the director of the Oleg Balatsky Institute of FEM presented the annual report of the institute. Traditionally, recently the meeting was held online, on the CISCO platform. Reporting took place in all areas of the institute: educational, scientific, career guidance, information and advertising, international, extracurricular.

Despite the pandemic consequences, the results of the institute’s work are quite positive. Thus, there was an increase in admission to bachelor’s degree programs, an increase in the number of foreign students takes place, a decrease compared to 2019, the total contingent of graduate and doctoral students. In 2020, foreign graduate students from Ghana, China, Poland and Israel entered the FEM.

Career guidance in the web-environment was characterized by a significant increase in news and information messages, both on the website of the institute and departments, and on social networks. During 2020, a series of webinars were held for teachers and students, and the dynamics of the number of classes conducted with the participation of practitioners has increased several times.

A powerful achievement in 2020 was the entry of Sumdu Business School in the TOP 401-500 Times rating.

A significant result of the year was an increase in the number of teachers who took part in virtual academic mobility by almost 90%. A series of virtual classes were held with the Mauritius Business School, the University of Washington, the Silesian University of Technology, and the University of Maryland.

The number of educational and research grants has increased. Thus, in 2020, a total of 42 applications for international grant programs were submitted, 9 of which received funding, 4 projects were won by Jean Monnet.

Of the 10 projects of the National Research Fund of Ukraine that were won by SSU – 5 belong to FEM. Compared to 2019, the number of publications in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science has more than doubled, the share of people with a worse index is almost 80%. At the same time, the total increase in citations in 2020 according to the Institute of FEM in the Scopus database was more than 1000, in the WoS database more than 500, the number of teachers who have more than 5 publications in these databases is constantly growing.

Distance learning did not prevent FEM students from receiving a larger number of prizes at the All-Ukrainian competitions of student research papers compared to 2019.

In 2020, students of the Institute of FEM initiated and successfully implemented a number of extracurricular projects, such as: “School of Student Curator FEM”; draw “Giveaway from FEMchik”, apartment in the student cafe “Sportline”; Maslyana event, Mortal Combat and DOTA-2 computer game tournaments; Paintball Cup; registered an account of student assets in the popular social network “Tik Tok”, in which students of the Institute of FEM share videos on student topics.

All this, of course, is an incomplete list of achievements received by the team of the Oleg Balatsky Institute of FEM.

We wish our colleagues good health and new achievements in the new 2021 year.