Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management

The Behavioral Laboratory

The Behavioral Laboratory of the Department of Marketing of Sumy State University is an advanced scientific center specializing in the study of human behavior and perception. In today’s world, where the pace of disruption, innovation and change continues to accelerate, understanding the impact of people’s behavior and perceptions on products and organizations is becoming increasingly important.

Our laboratory offers in-depth analysis and discovery of the essence of human behavior and perception with the help of advanced technologies. We use a hardware-agnostic platform that integrates and synchronizes several biosensors, which allows us to collect objective data about the emotional state and physiological reactions of people.

One of the key aspects of our research is the use of eye tracking technology. With the help of special devices, we analyze which elements attract people’s attention, their star paths during the perception of products or organizations. This allows us to understand how people perceive information and how it affects their decisions.

Another tool we use is the EKG (electrocardiogram). This biosensor allows us to measure heart rate and reactions to certain stimuli. By analyzing this data, we can understand how a person’s emotional state affects their decision-making and product perception.

Our research helps businesses and organizations better understand their target audience and effectively influence their decisions. Whether we are dealing with marketing campaigns, product development or communication strategies, our research provides valuable insights into how to achieve maximum effectiveness and success in the marketplace.

The Behavioral Laboratory of the Marketing Department of Sumy State University is a place where the academic approach and advanced technologies are combined. Our team of scientists and researchers works to uncover and understand complex aspects of behavior and perception, helping to improve the effectiveness of marketing strategies and ensure successful interactions between people and products.