Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management

Training on the basis of the socio-economic simulator on resource management “Life capital” in the office of the insurance agency “TAS Life”

On May 01, 2024, Olena Zhuravka, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Technologies and Entrepreneurship, together with 1st and 2nd year students of the specialty 072 “Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market”, visited the office of the TAS Life Insurance Company for the second time. This time, Irina Grigorets, director of TAS Life agencies in Kyiv and Sumy, presented the participants with an unforgettable game of resource management “Life Capital”.
The training lasted 4 hours, which flew by unnoticed. The game simulates possible life situations that affect a person’s financial situation in one way or another. All legal financial instruments in Ukraine that can be used by “any ordinary citizen” are “sewn into” the gameplay.
– bank deposits;
– commercial and private loans;
– money “under the pillow”;
– pension and savings programs.
The game-training was a great combination of ideas and knowledge, where each participant was able to enrich their minds with experience and advice from a professional. As experience shows, as a result of such meetings with specialists, applicants not only acquire new knowledge, but also form certain professional competencies.
We thank Iryna Hryhoretz for responding to the invitation of the department and look forward to the next meetings!