Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management

Scientific Association of Students, Postgraduate Students

SASP (Scientific Association of Students, Postgraduate Students, Doctors and Young Scientists of Sumy State University) is the association of motivated young people, which creates a creative academic environment through the implementation of successful projects aimed at supporting new scientific ideas, innovation and knowledge sharing.

SASP of SSU protects the rights and interests of persons who are studying or working at the University, in particular on the scientific activities to support knowledge-based ideas, innovation and knowledge sharing.

The main objectives and directions of the Scientific Society are:

– represent the interests of the students (trainees), graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists to the administration of the University and other institutions on research and development of an academic career;

– popularize scientific activity among students, promoting the involvement of individuals, students, including among younger courses into scientific work and innovation;

– promote the Target comprehensive program “Organization of scientific work of students in organic combination with the educational process” and “strategic plan for staffing activities of SSU”;

– assist in the organization of the student’s scientific circles, laboratories, centers, institutes, etc.;

– provide the quality of research of students and young scientists;

– support the participation of students in the National competition of student scientific work on natural, technical, humanities on the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in various academic disciplines, training areas and specialties;

– planning and organization of the annual college (faculty/institute) conference “The first step in science” and other scientific conferences, seminars, graduate students and young scientists;

– organize participation of students, graduate students and young scientists in scientific competitions, contests and other events held by Ukrainian and international institutions and organizations;

– cooperation with the Small Academy of Sciences, a center of scientific and technical creativity of students of the University and other institutions that attract students to technical creativity;

– provide the exchange of information between young scientists and researchers;

– promote inter-university and international cooperation;

– participate in the publication of scientific works of students and other scientific information materials, release their own electronic information publications;

– cooperation with the student government, to create favorable conditions for scientific activity of students;

– inform the Ukrainian and foreign public about its activities;

– promote a student’s “smart groups”, which envisages the students of economic contracts and other scientific and research work;

– timely inform about the scientific work and the respective achievements of students for placement and publication on the website of the University, in the newspaper “Resonance” and other electronic and print media.

More details about SASP activity on link

Head of SASP – Utkina Maryna Serhiyivna

e-mail: [email protected]

Main activities SASP BiEM and current projects

The main activities SASP is under its objectives, in turn, additional tasks SASP on the institute level is:

– the interaction with young scientists, graduate and doctoral students of the institute;

– the implementation of practical projects;

– the protection of the interests of its members towards the implementation of the research initiatives of the institute.

To get more information on the new projects, with personal questions and wishes, please contact:

Head of SASP BiEM– Yana Us, a Ph.D. student of the Department of Marketing

е-mail: [email protected]