Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management

The cooperation agreement between SSU (Sumy, Ukraine) and HSIF (Sofia, Bulgaria)

The cooperation agreement between the Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) and the Higher School of Insurance and Finance (Bulgaria, Sofia) is concluded. Initiators of the agreement formation are: the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management (SSU) Olga Prokopenko and the Professor of the Department of Audit and Control (HSIF) Rumyana Neykova.

It is necessary to notice that cooperation began before the agreement formation. So, Rumyana Neykova was the co-organizer of the conference «Economics and Management: development perspectives», devoted to the Faculty of Economics and Management 20 anniversary. She also is a member of an editorial board of the scientific journal «Marketing and Management of Innovations», where representatives of her scientific school actively submit publications.

We hope that the agreement signing becomes the stimulus for development of the academic cooperation between the universities.

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